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Scholarships at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

Click here to apply the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies offers a range of scholarships to attract academically qualified students from within and outside Qatar. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of either merit and academic competition or financial need.

Terms and Conditions

1. No student may combine the scholarships of the Institute with any other scholarship whatever the source thereof. 2. Only students who have a good academic standing continue to benefit from the Institute's scholarships. The Institute may, In accordance with its procedures, withdraw scholarships from students who violate this requirement. 3. The scholarships offered by the Institute shall not benefit the students enrolled in the Executive Masters or Diploma programs or specialized certificates. 4. Scholarships offered by the Institute shall not benefit students who have previously benefited from the same scholarship in a previous period of study in any of the programs of the Institute, whether or not they are awarded a degree.

Types of Scholarships

1. Tamim Scholarship: These scholarships are dedicated to the most distinguished Qatari and international students in the Arab world based on merit and academic excellence. The scholarship covers full tuition fees, and international students from outside Qatar will benefit from having free accommodation in institute dormitories, a monthly stipend, health insurance, and two travel tickets from and to home country upon arrival and after graduation. 2. Sanad Scholarship: These scholarships are based on the financial needs of Qatari, residents in Qatar, and international students. The scholarship covers 10% to 100% of a program's fees. International students from outside Qatar will benefit from having their full tuition fees covered, in addition to free accommodation in institute dormitories, a monthly stipend, health insurance, and two travel tickets from and to home country upon arrival and after graduation.

How to Apply for Scholarships

All admitted students can apply for a scholarship through the scholarship application form. The Admissions Office sends the application form to all eligible students, and students are given the opportunity to submit the application with all official and required documents.


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